Our purebred Hereford herd is managed alongside the commercial herd, on the same calving schedule.
Both herds graze on mountain ranges through the pasture season.
While performance and good EPDs and good carcass data are sought-after traits in the purebred herd, our foundations are laid on good feet and udders, thriftiness on feed, and good temperaments – all things that matter a lot to the bottom line and greater ease of management.
We don’t discriminate on frame size when our females can raise a whale of a calf. We rely heavily on predictable cow families and use A.I. bulls from across North America that best fit our criteria.
Heifers are consistently bred to light birthweight sires to ensure ease of calving and earlier rebreeding and are then rebred, as two-year-olds, to stouter, higher performance bulls.
Through feeding season, we tightly manage our cows in peer groups with a great facility that allows us to do so at ranch headquarters. But our management techniques are quite basic and the environment is often-times rugged and demanding and the commercials and most purebreds manage through the winter months on straight forage diets.
We aspire to allow the cows the most stress-free environment possible.
A select few donor cows allow us to capitalize on our cow-family strengths through our ET program.